Roomle IDM-Importer: from 2D to 3D
The Integrated Data Model (IDM) for planning-intensive furniture is the industry standard. For manufacturers and retailers who want to advance in digital sales and offer 3D/AR product visualizations to their customers via website or online store, it is crucial whether and how they can import IDM catalogs into their systems. With the Roomle IDM Importer, this is easily possible via "drag & drop".
Table of Contents
Making complex products sellable online
Roomle has intensively developed and improved the IDM Importer over the last months. Already two of three IDM categories of the DCC (Data Competence Center) can now be effortlessly "translated" into the Roomle Rubens Configurator. So at the push of a button and with a bit of tweaking, 2D data is prepared for the Roomle Rubens Configurator and can be shown 3D/AR, in highest display quality and loading speed - with all details, logics, materials and colors - on the market (embedded in online stores or websites). Roomle uses the existing 2D magnet planner logic of the DCC and translates the data anew for the Roomle world.
"The IDM data import works smoothly and the textures of the configurations always look great. This makes data management much easier for us. "
"Drag & Drop" - this is how it works:
The two-dimensional IDM data is dragged and dropped into the Roomle Cloud. This well-prepared data is automatically converted into a Roomle script. This is followed by manual 3D refinement and translation of the data into the correct product logic. This involves linking and positioning the 3D data in the script and aligning it so that the right corners of the sofa fit together, or the armrest goes where it makes sense. So the scripter literally takes the 3D object "in hand" and aligns the object around the correct product logic. If necessary, extras are added to the product logic, such as free-standing stools or additional cushions. In the next step, the textures are created and optimized.
If 3D data has already been used for another software, Roomle can continue to use it if necessary. This reduces the refinement process to a minimum.
Extension Files/ "Steuerungsdateien"
In addition, smaller structural changes can be "packed on top" of the IDM data, so-called extension files or control files.
Here, for example, it is possible to group products into one element in the configurator. In this way, different widths can be created as individual "items" in IDM format and grouped to form an element in the configurator. It is also possible to group parameters to make it easier to navigate through the configurator.
The focus of these files is always on increased usability and user experience for the end customer.
No rocket science
As soon as customers have received access to the Roomle platform and training from the Roomle team, they can easily create and manage their products themselves and upload them to their systems. However, it is also possible to have the 3D finishing steps done by the Roomle team or by a service partner.
Before going live, products can still be tested or further refined via the test catalog, the so-called "draftcataloge". Roomle is happy to provide advice here.
All benefits at a glance:
Rubens Configurator Pros:
- Make complex products easier to sell across all channels
- Improved user experience through Rubens Configurator
- One format for all platforms
IDM Pros
- Time savings through structured, uniform and standardized IDM data representation
- Time savings in the digitization process
- Simplified change of logics - in self-service
- Time saving for scripters
Getting started: IDM Test Package
To facilitate the entry into digital sales, Roomle has put together an IDM test package. For a low package price, furniture manufacturers and retailers can visualize an initial product in 3D/AR, make it modularly configurable and evaluate the process.
The process is accompanied by the experienced Roomle service team. This makes the concrete implementation of a configurator project easier to understand and plan.
For further information, please contact us directly: